Award Winners

Every year, the DAGM grants awards for the best scientific contributions to the annual conference DAGM GCPR (the former DAGM symposia). Applications are not possible, the papers are selected from the conference submissions.

Since 2011, the DAGM has annually granted the German Pattern Recognition Award for outstanding, internationally visible research in the fields of pattern recognition, computer vision, and machine learning. The German Pattern Recognition Award continues the tradition of the Olympus Award for Pattern Recognition (1992-2010).

Since 2015, the DAGM has annually granted the DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award. The Dissertation Award honors an outstanding dissertation successfully completed in the preceding year in the fields of pattern recognition, image processing, machine vision, and machine learning.

The Young Researchers‘ Forum of the DAGM aims to promote young scientists. It supports outstanding scientific achievements at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Diploma degree level in the fields represented by the DAGM. Since 2016, a Best Master's Thesis Award has been granted.