Rundbrief (03/2006)


1. Photogrammetric Computer Vision PCV'06
2. Stellenanzeige - Inst. fuer Photogrammetrie, Universitaet Bonn
3. Stellenanzeige - Inst. for Neuro- and Bioinformatics, Luebeck University

1. Photogrammetric Computer Vision PCV'06

Photogrammetric Computer Vision PCV'06
ISPRS Symposium of Commission III
Bonn, 19.-22. September 2006

R e i n h a r d K l e i n ,
Computer Graphics Group, Bonn University

Shape Detection in Point Clouds

Tutorials on 19. September 2006

P e t e r S t u r m ,
Modeling and Analysing Images of Generic Cameras

D a v i d N i s t e r
University of Kentucky
Recognition and 3D Reconstruction from Video

Please register for the conference:
and for the tutorials:

Wolfgang Foerstner
Helmut Mayer
Conference Chairs

2. Stellenanzeige - Insitut fuer Photogrammetrie

Am Insitut fuer Photogrammetrie der Universitaet Bonn ist innerhalb eines EU-Projekts eine Stelle fuer eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (doc / postdoc) ab sofort zu besetzen. Naehere Informationen unter

Wolfgang Foerstner
Institut fuer Photogrammetrie
Nussallee 15
53115 Bonn
Ansprechpartner: K.-H. Ellenbeck ( ellenbeck(at)

3. Stellenanzeige - Inst. for Neuro- and Bioinformatics

The Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics (INB) at the University of Luebeck, Germany is seeking a PhD student or Postdoctoral Researcher for the ARTTS project (Action Recognition and Tracking based on Time-of-flight Sensors), funded by an EU grant.


Based on a new type of award-winning sensor technology, the time-of-flight (TOF) camera, ARTTS will develop algorithms and prototype systems to solve open computer vision problems and enable new applications that involve multimodal interfaces and the sensing of people and their actions. Unlike a conventional video camera, the TOF camera delivers not only an intensity image but also a range map that contains a distance measurement at each pixel, obtained by measuring the time required by light to reach the object and return to the camera (time-of-flight principle); see

The other partners in the ARTTS project are the Technical University of Denmark; the University Politehnica of Bucharest; CSEM (the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology); and SensoMotoric Instruments GmbH, Germany.

Work at INB will focus on developing new algorithms for head tracking, gesture and action recognition, and face detection using the innovative time-of-flight technology.


Applicants for the PhD student position should have a Master, Diploma, or equivalent degree in computer science, physics, mathematics, or related areas. Applicants for the postdoctoral position should have a PhD in one of the areas listed above.

Additionally, applicants should have a background in at least one of the following areas:

* Image Processing and Image Analysis
* Computer Vision
* Machine Learning
* Software Development
* Head Tracking or People Tracking

The position lasts for three years and is available from 1 September 2006. Applicants should ideally be available from this date, though applicants who require a later starting date may also be considered. The salary will be based on the German public service BAT IIa payscale (around 40,000 EUR per annum, the exact amount depending on age and marital status) Disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment. Applications, including CV and references, should be sent via email to


with Cc to

martinetz(at) and

The deadline for applications is midnight CEST on 14 August 2006; later applications may be considered until the position is filled.