\documentclass[12pt]{article} % version edits % 2020-0429 Bernt Schiele: English translation and layout \usepackage{times} \usepackage{latexsym} %%%%%%%%%%% DINA4-Stil \textheight=230mm % \textwidth =155mm % \hoffset=+3mm % zentriert den TeXt horizontal \voffset=-6mm % zentriert den TeXt vertikal \oddsidemargin 0mm % unterdrueckt unterschiedliche Raender beim \evensidemargin 0mm % doppelseitigen Stil \topmargin=-10mm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \begin{center} {\Large \bf DAGM e.V.} \\[1cm] {\Large \bf Nomination for the} \\[3mm] {\huge \bf German Pattern Recognition Award} \\[3mm] {\Large \bf of the German Association for Pattern Recognition}\\ \end{center} \vspace{1cm} %-------------------- \section{Nominee} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{8cm}p{6cm}} Name: & \\ Address: & \\ \\ Date of Birth: \\ \\ Phone: & \\ Email: & \\ \end{tabular} \ \\ \emph{The applicant should not have passed the age of 35 in the year of the awards presentation. Exceptions should be justified.} %-------------------- \section{Education} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{4cm}p{4cm}p{3cm}p{3cm}} Institute & Location & Degree & Year\\ \hline \end{tabular} %-------------------- \section{Appointments} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{4cm}p{4cm}p{3cm}p{3cm}} Institute & Position & From & To\\ \hline \end{tabular} %-------------------- \section{Nominator} \begin{tabular}{@{}lp{3.5cm}p{4cm}} $\Box$ & Nominated by \\ & Name: & \\ & Address: & \\ & Phone: & \\ & Email: & \\[5mm] $\Box$ & Self Nomination & \\ \end{tabular} %-------------------- \section{Scientific or technical contribution that has led to discernible progress in the respective area} \label{sec:contribution} \subsection{Evaluation of the scientific contribution} \vspace{15cm} \subsection{Short laudation about the candidate's main work (40 to 80 words, in English)} \vspace{2cm} %-------------------- \newpage \section{Important publications or patents related to the contribution described in section \ref{sec:contribution}} \vspace{3cm} %-------------------- \section{Further information or sources that illustrate the significance of the contribution described in section \ref{sec:contribution}} \vspace{3cm} %-------------------- \section{Reviewers who can evaluate the significance of the contribution described in section \ref{sec:contribution}} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{6cm}p{6cm}} Name: & \\ Address: & \\ Phone: & \\ Email: & \\[1cm] \end{tabular} %-------------------- \section{Attachments} \end{document}